Makeup Help (concealer)


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Aug 20, 2013

Alyssa F.

Does concealer cover up blemishes? if not what does.

Aug 20, 2013

L E.


Aug 20, 2013

Bonnie W.

It "conceals" imperfections...if that helps :) haha.

Aug 20, 2013

Crisel D.

Yes, it does

Aug 20, 2013

Alessia c.

Yes if it matches your skintone but it's easier to conceal the flatter ones. the ones that are raised you can only do so much. you can conceal the redness which makes them less noticeable.

Aug 20, 2013

Lizzy W.

Yes! Although it depends on the concealer - some are made for under eye circles, some are for blemishes, some are for both. I suggest Almay's clear complexion concealer because it treats the spots while covering them, and does not clog your pores.

Aug 20, 2013

Maria D.


Yes, that's one of the functions of a concealer. to conceal. It is primarily for getting rid of things that your foundation couldnt cover or for just cleaning up areas that need a little help. Like areas where you have redness or other discoloration. it won't help much with texture (like if a bump is raised and stuff) but it will help get rid of any discoloration. :)

Aug 20, 2013

Shelby T.

Yes, if you get the right one, it can make it worse if you don't let the blemish breath though!

Aug 21, 2013

Kimi R.

You should not use a concealer lighter than your skin tone like you would under your eyes. That will only highlight the blemish and make it more noticeable. Buy yourself a concealer pallet or wheel and start really concealing and highlighting. Its so fun to make say your nose straight or for me, one of my eyes is a bit larger and more deep set than the other and I can actually give the illusion of uniformity, and I straighten my nose and a couple other nifty little tricks. Yes its contour and highlight with concealer. Point being, if you want to conceal a blemish use a shade darker than your foundation to hide it. If you want to draw attention to or bring out a feature, use lighter.