Would I match make-up?


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Aug 23, 2013

Danica M.

I've tried wearing make-up before, didnt think I matched. is there a certain way I should put it on? pictures? :) thanks & sorry I got a lil lazy eye when I smile. 🙈

Of course! Everyone can wear makeup :) you just have to pick what features you want to stand out and what you wanna hide. I think you'd look great if you filled in your eyebrows with some brown eyeshadow, so they'd frame your face better and give more attention to your eyes! Go on YouTube and search Sherry Lilly she has similar features to yours and can help you bring them out

Aug 23, 2013

Brooke S.

If you want an everyday look, I think personally, stay away from eyeshadows, and anything colored, maybe a little bit of black mascara, and foundation. And maybe eyeliner, just because it simply just matches everything. And no matter what you wear, it will match it :)