Pregnancy And Hair Dye.


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Aug 24, 2013

Sammii H.

So as the title says I'm 15 weeks into my pregnancy and my roots are coming in like crazy. I haven't dyed my hair since April, and it's getting to the point where I won't wear my hair down. I've been bleaching the top half for a few years and right now the bottom is red. I don't think I can use bleach since I'm pregnant, or can I? If not, how do I get my roots light enough to look bleached? If there's no way to do that, can I just dye over the bleached hair? My natural color is a medium brown.

The picture is old, but it gives an idea of what I'm working with.

Aug 24, 2013

Marissa F.

I'm no expert in this and I might be wrong, but from what I've heard you're not supposed to dye your hair at all when you're pregnant :o.

Aug 24, 2013

Angel O.

I don't think you should, when your pregnant and you dies your hair the chemicals can harm the baby , I would play it safe and not do it

Aug 24, 2013

Angel O.

not dies dye*

Aug 24, 2013

Sammii H.

It's just all so confusing. Haha. This is my first pregnancy, so I'm questioning everything before I do it. I've read on a few sites that it's okay to do after your first trimester, use ammonia free dye, dye in a well ventilated area, and don't leave on the scalp too long. It says that the amount of dye that actually gets absorbed into the skin is minimal. But it still makes you a bit nervous. I just don't want horrible looking hair, ya know? I wanna feel confident and look good. By the time the baby is born my roots will probably be down to my nose. That's not such a cute look. >_<

Aug 24, 2013

Alyx T.

I know you like the blonde, but I'm sure you could do a vegan veggi base dye. Like manic panic or special effects. they do sell browns. That way it wouldn't risk hurting the baby in any way but you wouldn't have roots showing. And it would just eventually wash out and once the baby is born you could bleach your roots again.

Aug 24, 2013

Marissa F.

Then I think you should ask a doctor first! Maybe there's a list of chemicals you must stay away from, but maybe he/she will okay some things :)

Aug 24, 2013

Annie T.

Its best to wait until the second semester because then the developmental stages are almost through but I would reccomend using ammonia free dye and definitely do it in a well ventilated area if you still feel unsure and even talk to your Dr about it :)

Aug 24, 2013

Candace V.

I'm not sure about this early in your pregnancy but during.mine I had foils and the hairdressers said I could but not too often. Just my personal experience though.

Aug 24, 2013

Candace V.

I did mine during my 2nd to 3rd trimester. I don't think my hairdresser started too close to my scalp either.

Aug 24, 2013

Azy A.

My doc told me not to do it because the amoniac that is in the color can get to your blood and affect your baby..(sorry for my english) so its better not to do it..

Aug 24, 2013

Azy A.

Sammi if you need any question about pregnancy I will be there..I h1ve a bby boy..and I was like you asking everywhere..I was like crazy on the internet reading all the site that talk about preg. day by day mounth by mounth lol.

Aug 24, 2013

Tiffany H.

I'm a mom and my doctor said as of 20 weeks it was fine. My mid wife said the second trimester. Many of my mommy friends bleached, colored, etc. while pregnant. There's no way hair dye can seep in your head to that extent to enter your blood stream. I'm also a hairstylist.

Aug 24, 2013

Azy A.

Am sur it can...its chemicql..

Aug 24, 2013

Hannah K.

Its fine to do..

Aug 24, 2013

Tiffany H.

@azy no, it really can not. Not enough to do any sort of damage or enter your child.

Aug 24, 2013

Lara D.

Don't bleach it, use semi, Demi-permanent and it's fine.

Aug 24, 2013

Eva D.

I have three kids, and only with two of my pregnancies I dyed my hair once into my second trimester. But my doctor warned me due to the new hormones in your body the color may not turn out the color you want, and also it can not harm the baby. If your extra concerned wear a mask one of those face mask to cover your nose and mouth from fully breathing in the chemicals.

Aug 24, 2013

Brittany A.

A lot of women said my thoughts already, ask your doctor, ammonia free, and I was even thinking the mask thing. Another idea, and I don't know how well it works, but lemon juice and sun are suppose to lighten hair, try that?

Aug 24, 2013

Hannah J.

I'm a mommy of two. Non of my 5 doctors say no! Just get ammonia free.. And be sure color your hair with an open window so you won't smell the hair color.
As I have grey hair I need to color my hair every month or ill be look like a grandma. Lol

Aug 24, 2013

Al Taqwaa A.
