My style!! What's your style?


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Aug 24, 2013

Shakala H.

Well I just wanted to most my style and who I am, I have a afro with china bangs lol a septum piercing and I love pinup style makeup especially red lipstick , it's quirky and edgy lol what's yours?

Aug 24, 2013

Angel O.

Mines swagger or chic, trendy :)

Aug 24, 2013

Nana S.

Your so pretty!! I wanna rock red lip stick but it never turns out right. if that makes sense lol.

Aug 24, 2013

Cydney E.

Girl you are so rock & roll! love it!!

Aug 24, 2013

Karen S.

That's me on the left :) I'm kind of edgy chic with a bit of hipster

Aug 24, 2013

Amy S.

I would say my styles more edgy I like adding a lil umf to what ever I'm wearing ill wear w.e looks good together its good to be bold just not to bold lmao and I have a septum aswell I love it lol and pin up is one of my fav too :)

Aug 24, 2013

Kenzie L.

I love vintage classic styles and when I want to be more casual I tend to gravitate towards a boho chic style.

Shakala H.

Tallahassee Florida