Fixing a blunt haircut :/


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Aug 24, 2013

Shumi C.

I'd definitely go back. They haven't even created a V shape. It doesn't look symmetrical on both sides as well. Tell them you want them to fix it.

Aug 24, 2013

Elizabeth C.

@Hannah I will try that, thank you very much :) @Danielle and Shumi I doubt ill go back to them again, I'm just going to save up and find somewhere better :0

Aug 24, 2013

Amy D.

I would just show the stylist (hopefully a different one...) that picture, that way there's communication issues.

Aug 24, 2013

Amy D.

Oops there's no communication issues... lol

Aug 24, 2013

Dani B.

If you just got it cut within a few days there is no reason y you can't go back and tell them you're unhappy w the service and ask them to fix it... And bring a picture with you.

Aug 24, 2013

Elizabeth C.

Hehe that's a good idea, ill do that. Hopefully now that I know just what to ask for there won't be any more communication issues :)

Aug 24, 2013

Elizabeth C.

@Dani you're right, but I'd just rather wait til I can go to a better place.

Aug 24, 2013

Hannah K.

If it were me I would be pissed.. probably wouldnt have walked out of the salon if it wasnt the way I wanted it ya know? If I didnt feel comfortable with the same hair stylist I would ask for a different one. I am a pretty assertive person though and when I am paying for something.. anything I would like it the way I want it and am usually not the one to keep my mouth shut.. I understand not being able to go back to the salon for a while I would wear cute buns or braids until I could get it fixed. Just my opinion..

Aug 24, 2013

Elizabeth C.

@Hannah my hair was still rather damp afterwards, so It didn't look as bad. If I had noticed, I would have spoken up though. It's always good to know what you want and to get your money's worth :) Yeah I'm now experimenting with updos until I can get it redone.

Aug 25, 2013

Cori T.

For now curl your hair. When your ends are curled you can't tell they are blunt. And until your hair grows a little leave it. You don't want to cut it too short.

Aug 25, 2013

Elizabeth C.

Will do :) thanks