Fading facial scars


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Aug 19, 2013

Carla G.

Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone can suggest some products/ingredients for fading scars? My skin is quite clear but every pimple scars. I've tried bio oil but it makes my skin too oily and just makes me break out.

Aug 19, 2013

Ling T.

I have the same, it takes a long time for them to fade but the best method is exfoliate daily and try vitamin e oil or cream.

Aug 19, 2013

Anupa M.

The only thing I noticed that cleared my scars was oil cleansing - every night put some castor oil in your palm then add a tiny amount of jojoba oil (these oils shouldn't cause breakouts. massage the oils into the skin for as long as you can. then thoroughly wash it off with warm water and your favorite acne cleanser. It takes about a month of daily use but scars reduce a lot. Castor oil also kills acne causing bacteria so it helps keep away break outs. I know it sounds like a lot of work, but you also sleep much better after you massage your face so it has long and short term benefits :)

Aug 19, 2013

Carla G.

Thanks guys :)

Aug 19, 2013

Maxime M.

Clearasil has special face washes to fade acne scars.

Aug 22, 2013

Carla G.
