What Defines a Smokey Eye?


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Aug 19, 2013

Jackie R.

Thank you Jacqueline :)

Aug 19, 2013

Jackie R.

Actually, Jacqueline, I have a question if you wouldn't mind. How would you go about (don't quote me on the name) the banana shape shadow technique? I look up tutorials on YouTube but no one seems to know. I'm just trying to learn a different style. :)

Aug 19, 2013

Danny C.

This is great thank you!!

Aug 19, 2013

Camillia N.

Good to know thanks...

Aug 19, 2013

Jackie R.

Thank you Jacqueline :)!!

Aug 19, 2013

Shelley W.

Thank you so much for posting this Jacqueline. I look forward to getting home so I can perfect my smoky eye. Its such a hit n miss with me. Sometimes it comes out great while other days...just look like a 5'4 raccoon.

Aug 19, 2013

Traci L.

Great info

Aug 19, 2013

Charley W.

Thank you!!

Aug 19, 2013

Charley W.

Lol at shelley, I always look like a raccoon also, I never know how far to blend out to. such a fine line...