Honey and Lemon mask really works!!


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Aug 15, 2013

Candace V.

My skin has never really been bad but I do tend to get dark eye circles. I just started using honey and lemon as a mask and then moisturizing my skin afterwards with Extra virgin Coconnut oil and my skin feels much nicer then when I use my usual cleansing products. I will continue to use things like Neutrogena naturals, etc.but I'm definitely going to continue with more natural masks and moisturizing with coconut oil. :)

Aug 15, 2013

Candace V.

My pimples are healing quicker too!! Yaay!! :)

Aug 15, 2013

Angel O.

I agree, I'm so into natural and diy face mask and hair mask and I have seen a difference I'm my hair and skin! I love diys.

Aug 15, 2013

Angel O.

in my*

Aug 15, 2013

Kylie W.

I need to try it! How do you make the mask?

Aug 15, 2013

Candace V.

Just buy some Pure honey or Manuka Honey which is meant to be the best and then buy some lemons. I use half a lemon and some honey..don't really measure the honey and then apply to my face. You can heat it up a bit if you'd prefer and then leave it on for 10-30 mins before washing it off. You can also do a honey and brown sugar scrub to exfoliate. :) It smells and tastes yummy too!! :P If you look up honey mask or honey and lemon mask you can read what it treats. It's amazing!! xx

Aug 15, 2013

Devyani G.

Thanks!! I have horrible dark circles.will it work to reduce them?
you have awesome skin :)

Aug 15, 2013

Candace V.

Benefits of the honey lemon mask:
- Clears acne
- Gentle cleansing agent
- Dries out pimple
- Minimizes pore size
- Smooths skin
- Reduces redness and instantly soothes irritation
- Makes skin glow
- Relieves dryness and even flaking
- Honey is a humectant so it hydrates skin
- Brightens skin
- Evens out skin tone ( due to sun damage or blemishes) and helps scarring
- The bacteria cannot live in an environment covered in honey; due to honeys antiseptic qualities

It doesn't really say under eye circles but if it's meant to brighten skin and even out skin tone then I'm sure it can help that too. :)

Aug 15, 2013

Candace V.

And thanks hun! :) xox

Aug 15, 2013

Devyani G.

thanks :))

Aug 15, 2013

Ili R.

Where can I get coconut oil?? I've only seen the cooking kind. or is it all the same?

Aug 16, 2013

Candace V.

I get mine from health food stores. Virgin coconut oil is best. You can cook with it, use it on your hair, skin or straight from the jar.  :-)

Aug 16, 2013

Monika K.

thanks :) :*

Aug 16, 2013

Candace V.

:-) No worries! XO

Aug 16, 2013

Mia B.

Use potatoes for dark circles and I have been using the lemon and honey mask for over a week now, it is making my skin nicer and shinier but not healing my pimples and their scars yet

Aug 17, 2013

Candace V.

My pimples are clearing away after my 3rd day of this mask but that's my own personal experience.

Aug 20, 2013

Mia B.

What about the dark spots?

Aug 21, 2013

Fatma B.

Do you use it everyday?