is breaking...


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Aug 14, 2013

Yaya B.

Every time I do my flat iron breaks like I could see pieces small pieces all over the bathroom floor when I'm done. And my endz are really bad :( do I repair.

Aug 14, 2013

Megan R.

Get a trim and stop using heat. It sucks but it's really the only way to make your hair healthier. And if you must make sure your using a good heat protectant

Aug 14, 2013

Hannah K.

And once you trim the ends so they're nice again, keep them that way with deep conditioning! I personally love Macadamia Deep Repair Masque, and I've heard people on here rave about coconut oil. Either one works to keep your hair healthy; try it once a week. Personally I have dry hair so I use a treatment every time I wash my hair, and it has never been healthier, even though I still heat style often.

Aug 14, 2013

Katie F.

You need a trim, I had the same problem but I got my ends cut off. I stopped straightening my hair as often and started using deep conditioners.

Aug 14, 2013

Yaya B.

I got it trimes like less then a month ago...n hate I feel my hair is short I wear extentions...and thats why I dint want to cut no more :""(

Aug 14, 2013

Yaya B.

And my hair gets frizzy soo thats why I almost always flat iron it...I guess yea I need to get a deep conditioner...what do yall think of salerm 21 leave in conditioner.

Aug 14, 2013

Hannah K.

Extensions can also be damaging to your hair, and there's no way to fix split ends, you just have to cut them off. Sorry girl, that's the way it is. Deep conditioning can help your hair not look so fried, but it won't fix the problem, and then your hair will just split further up the shaft.

Aug 14, 2013

Mary R.

Sad but true

Aug 14, 2013

Katrina D.

Like everyone else has said. your hair could be frizzy because you straighten so often. you need to find some hairstyles which will minimize the frizz, such as braids.

Aug 14, 2013

Mary C.

I agree with all the others...I just got a good trim tonight and its so much healthier and got a deep conditioner. Also here is an at home DIY hair mask my stylist gave me tonight- I will try it soon.

1 avacado
1/2 cup coconut oil
2 eggs
Whisk all ingredients.

Put mask on wet hair.

Heat up a towel in dryer and wrap hair up. I'm going to use a shower cap and then apply a hot towel and blow dry to lock in moisture from mask.

Leave on 45 min

Aug 14, 2013

Melissa R.

Do you wash your hair with hot water because if you do. Don't because it sucks the shine and sleekiness out of your hair I also recommend a honey hair mask 2 parts conditioner 1 part honey then apply on dry hair leave on for 30 min then rinse off your hair should feel so soft and frizz free and do not towel dry did you know the towel gives you frizz it better to dry with something with cotton like a tshirt it will reduce frizz oh and during the process pit your hair in a shower cap or plastic bag to lock in moisture! Hope it helps.

Aug 14, 2013

Melissa R.

Oh and for the hair falling out try a protein mask they have tons of recipes for them just search it up it help your hair become stronger.

Aug 14, 2013

Caroline M.

Same thing happened to me and I got redken shampoo and conditioner, expensive but so worth it. Instead of putting the irons on it you could put some serum on and put it in a scruffy topknot, they're really on trend at the moment. Even if you try not to iron it every time then that will help a bit.

Aug 14, 2013

Khadija D.

If you uses heat use less and try trims and oil :)

Aug 14, 2013

Vishakha S.

I also have the same problem! Hair fall just doesn't seem to stop! I've tried hot oil treatment but no good results! It's heart breaking! 😪

Aug 14, 2013

Jacob C.

You need a heat protector a good one to use for your hair since it is already breaking is redken anti snap I love this product it is filled with a bunch of proteins and heat protectors. THis is also going to help prevent hair breakage and its less than $20.

Aug 14, 2013

Vivienne T.

First, get trims every 2-3 months, it’ll help get rid of damaged hair and split ends if you have any. Then do a hydrating treatment once a week with coconut oil, almond oil or argan oil to moisturize your hair and make it healthy. Castor oil works for growth. Leave in the oil in with a shower cap over your head for about 30 minutes to 1 hour to let your hair absorb it. Egg and mayonnaise masks can make your hair look healthier too. Sometimes it’s good to leave it overnight for extra moisture. Personally, I mix it up and use coconut oil some weeks and other weeks I use a Moroccan argan oil hair mask from pro naturals that I buy, it’s pricey but it works.

Yaya B.

Da Dirty South :Miami Florida