Tips appreciated please


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Aug 18, 2013

Caitlin T.

Hey guys so I live in Australia and I am going on holiday to America for Christmas. I am trying to save my money for there but I am finding it difficult because I get tempted to by stuff a lot. What would your tips be?

Aug 18, 2013

Zahra M.

Once you get a good 20- 30 Australian dollars or whatever your currency is, put it away and keep on doing that, hope I helped and hope you have a good holiday ❤

Aug 18, 2013

Zahra M.

Don't keep the money in your purse, keep it somewhere safer and somewhere you won't be tempted to spend it, ik it's really hard.

Aug 18, 2013

Savanna W.

As soon as you get $, put it away. And inside your wallet, put a pic of something that represents America so that way next time you reach for your $, you will be reminded of what you are saving for and will think twice :)

Try to save a dollar/whatever a day/week then soon it will add up and you can choose like half of that money for America and save the rest.