Finally found what works for my acne!


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Aug 18, 2013

Clara G.

So maybe some of you already know this (I can't be the first one to have discovered this) but recently I have found this product in my first aid kit and of course I decided to put it on my face. It's an antiseptic healing cream called Sudocrem, it's very popular here in Ireland and I'm guessing also England (not sure if they have it anywhere else). Four days ago my skin was COMPLETELY flared up with zits and redness and other hellish nightmares but as soon as after one application my acne really calmed down! It dried out my pimples very quickly and reduced the redness. I have been using it for the past four days and my skin is almost clear now.
I'm just sharing this because I've been struggling with my skin for years and I keep seeing posts about acne! This worked on me, so I'm not guaranteeing 100% that it will work on you but it's worth trying! A whole jar of it is only 3€ and I've had mine for a year and there's still over half of it. People usually apply it on surface wounds or rashes.
Again, a lot of you probably already know about this but I'm just helping to spread the word!
Hope this was of some help!! 

Aug 18, 2013

Clara G.

By the way I don't know if this will be effective on severe acne, my acne was just pretty mild.

Aug 18, 2013

Sadie N.

Hi, I don't have acne, but I used this on two of my spots and it worked straight away! I only brought it yesterday. I'm glad you've cleared your acne 😊 x

Aug 18, 2013

Clara G.

I know right it's like magical! So glad it worked for you too! :D xxx

Aug 18, 2013

Axita S.

Post a pic of you nw:)

What was your routine with it hun? like how did you apply it? Just on the acne or layered your face and over night? X.

Aug 18, 2013

Clara G.

This is me now with just mascara and powder on. And as for the routine I don't have one at all. :P I just make sure my face is clean and then I dab it on to the affected area for a while (no time limit) and then I just spread it out when I want to get rid of it if I don't have to go anywhere, if not I just wash it out and put make up on :) but so far I've just put it on randomly whenever I feel like it, no routine at all :) and I find that it works better if I don't layer my whole face but just dab it onto the acne :)