What to do to clear up acne?


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Aug 17, 2013

Abbey S.

I'm starting school in 2 weeks and I have had acne for a couple years. I've been to various dermatologists and have medication for it now but it doesn't work well anymore. My acne is on my forehead and there's some on my chin. Anything else or different I could maybe do or try?

Aug 17, 2013

Ondine L.

Try the neutrogena scrub, it will reduce acne!And it help me a lot!I had so much acne, then I started to use this, and my face was PERFECT,then I didn't use it for a while, and my acne started again!It works so goooood!

Aug 17, 2013

M K.

You can try to get a side fringe to cover the acne. And once it's gone you can grow your hair back. Also if your still going through puberty then you will have acne. I didn't have any pimples freshmen year of high school. Then sophomore year it's seemed all the acne broke loose. So I got a side fringe and it covered the forehead part.

Aug 17, 2013

Gabriella M.

Or fresh lemmon juice. But only at nigth becouse.

Aug 18, 2013

Skyler P.

Buy a clarisonic, there a little expensive but I swear thet work amazing. if you don't know what I'm talking about, then google it and check out there website.