Should I dye my hair? Pics.


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Aug 17, 2013

Madison S.

I really want to dye my hair like this, but would it look good on a brunette?

Aug 17, 2013

Madison S.

Here's me. Bad lighting, sorry.

I'd go for a more honey blonde so it doesn't wash you out

Aug 17, 2013

Madison S.

Well I want to dip dye it, not blonde it.

Aug 17, 2013

Denise C.

Don't do it. I think you're too young and you should enjoy the hair you have before you damage it too much , trust me I had to learn the hard way

Aug 17, 2013

Ella O.

I agree with Denise C, you should wait

Aug 17, 2013

Jennifer P.

Ya I agree with them ^^^ your way to young to start dying your hair. Just wait till your older.

Aug 17, 2013

Leila C.

Yeah you really should just wait. Wait untill at least high school.

Aug 17, 2013

Heidi H.

I think it wood look cute butttt your hair wouldn't ever be the same again and once you die it once you just keep doing it TRUST ME I hade really pretty blond hair and died it brown and I miss it so much I can't get it back as good as brfore.