Outfit that I'm wearing tonight would appreciate suggestions please ladies :)


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Morning girlies! Or afternoon or night wherever you are in the world :)! Wearing this tonight but struggling to decide on what to do with my hair & makeup?
I have extensions that are 22inch long so any down hair style! Can do up do's too whatever you think would look best!

Thank you thank you thank you :) xoxo

& what shoes as well please haha

Aug 17, 2013

Amber R.

Love this outfit. I think you should do a big bouncy curls hair style, or if you want your hair up a sleek pony tail. Make up wise I think you should do a black winged eyeliner, bronzed cheeks and a bold lip colour xx

Aug 17, 2013

Ali Z.

I agree with Amber 100%, did you read my mind though? Hahah. Would look super gorgeous with sleek ponytail :)

Aug 17, 2013

Yasmin P.

I think you should wear white heels and with makeup add gold shimmery eyeshadow with red bold lips...
straighten your hair or curl it :))

Aug 17, 2013

Millie C.

I absolutely love the outfit! I definently reccomnet like the others said a sleek ponytail. Or your hair down (dead straight). I would have dark eyes with lashes and then a dramatic bold lip. Your will look stunning!! :)

Aug 17, 2013

Millie C.

+ I would wear some black wedges to go with the dramatic dark eye :)

Aug 17, 2013

Francis M.

I would keep the top and ditch the skirt

Aug 17, 2013

Joy A.

Shoes option :1

Aug 17, 2013

Joy A.

Shoes option 2

Aug 17, 2013

Joy A.


Aug 17, 2013

Joy A.

And you can never go wrong with this look.

Aug 17, 2013

Joy A.

Oh and this in case you want a down hairstyle tho I do think a ponytail would look better with your very cute outfit :)

Aug 17, 2013

Meghan B.

Smoky eye and pink lips? Maybe add a little gold?

Aug 17, 2013

Symone B.

I would wear nude pumps. I have these shoes so I would wear platform pumps. But I think the pointy toe kind would look fab as well.

Aug 17, 2013

Symone B.

For hair and makeup I do like the idea of a high pony and bronzed cheeks.

Aug 17, 2013

Symone B.

...however I'm a big sexy hair kind of girl. So when I read the "22 inch extensions," I was rejoicing lol. But anyways I would do big curls. Carlibel55 has a tutorial on this. She is the queen of big sexy curls

Aug 17, 2013

Lisa S.

I'm with Symone 100%. Nude heels & big hair = sexy!!

Aug 17, 2013

Karina V.

I sleek middle part would look really good & golds for eyeshadow :)

Really sorry I havent replied ladies!! can't believe all the feedback and there all so amazing, I ended up rushing getting ready & even ended up putting a whole different outfit on hahaha :( I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the ideas and I'm deffo going to use them! this is what I wore!

As for eyeshadow! I tried this (the picture) and I got frustrated trying to get them to match hahaha problems of a girl! then didn't have time to try correct them, grabbed a baby wipe and just wiped it all off :'( haha, really appreciate all the suggestions and they have given me a massive urge to go... SHOPPING :') xoxo

I initially didn't want my eyeshadow to be that bold but kind of got giddy applying it on haha was not the look I was going for