Curling Irons-Babyliss v. Hot Tools.


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Aug 17, 2013

Caitlyn B.

I really like hot tools! I have a waver and it works great. I would get a 1" or not too much bigger. I have a 1.5" and its kinda hard to work with, I wish it were a bit smaller.

Aug 17, 2013

Allison M.

Size depends on how tight you want the curl... What kind of curl are you looking for like waves or spiral or pin

Aug 17, 2013

Nikelle B.

Have you seen this one?...

Aug 17, 2013

Nikelle B.

I watched the video... and it confused me lol you put a section of hair inside and it begins to wind around a wand.. pulling the hair in. I can't explain it lol.