Breakout questions 😐


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Aug 16, 2013

Isabella K.

I have been breaking out around my nose more than usual, any tips? (Homemade remedies, or why breakouts exist, how can I prevent myself from breaking out etc).

I wrote a whole big article about this :) it's in the skin care chat section!

Aug 16, 2013

Alexandra D.

If you wear make up make sure to remove it entirely (washing your face with cleansers at least twice just to be sure )
6 top reason why
1) touching you face a lot - this irritates your skin and if your hands are dirty which 80% of the time they are this can cause you to break out
2) eating to much dairy products or eating sugar
3) again washing your face is very important especially before you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning
4) hormones - right around the time you get your period you'll notice your face breaks out
5) using new acne products that irritates your. Skin I would recommend talking to your doctor before starting a treatment or an acne products because there can be a chemical used in that product that you can be allergic to
6)weather changes if you live in a place where the weather is constantly changing that can have something to do with it because your prone to blemishes leaving your skin unbalanced and confused

Hope this helped