What's your relationship status with the sun?


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Aug 15, 2013

Veronica B.

We all know that too much sun exposure causes premature aging, increased freckles, dullness of the skin, and skin cancer. My whole adolescent life I worshiped the sun and always craved getting a tan. (I did the tanning beds a few times but never really got into it. Just laying out by the pool or beach). I'm 20 now and a few months ago I made a really hard decision to break up with the sun! I'm trying to embrace my paleness. But this is harder for me than I think. All my friends still tan just as much as I used to and they even try to convince me that its not bad and I come so close to... Relapsing? Sounds funny but I think I had a real addiction to it. I'm afraid if I tan just once I won't be able to stop. And I also feel I went from one extreme to another. From having my life revolve around being in the sun to having my life revolve around staying away from the sun and wearing a lot of sunscreen when I go out. I want to hear what yalls relationship is with the sun and if yall have any suggestions for me. Maybe even some support? I would love to be a part of some type of support group because here at home that's not what I'm getting..🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞

Aug 15, 2013

Armela A.

I am super pale and I love it. Always use 50+ suncream for the face cuz tanning won't look good on my face. So its all in the head...

Aug 15, 2013

Meg K.

Hahahahahaha Veronica you are a tanorexic! Resist the temptation! I'm the same as Armela, factor 50+ all the way

Aug 15, 2013

Rachel H.

I would always tan and burn as a child. At multiple points in time, people thought my sister and I weren't my moms kids because we were so dark. Then I went into total sunscreen freak mode. Not even going to lie, I layed like twice this summer. I'm really self conscious about my legs, and I thought a tan would make me feel better. And I use self tanner every once in a while. Just know while you're craving sun, you really will thank yourself later. When I worked in a department store near a makeup counter, (this is a true story) a woman would always come in with what I assumed was wonderful skin for someone 55 or so. One day I asked one of the cosmetic girls how old she was (nosey, I know). As it turned out she was about to turn 70. I shit you not. I guess she'd lecture all the girls about tanning and that's how they found out her age. She said she never went out without a hat or scarf, then SPF came out and she was excited. Sorry for such a long story, but I thought it may make a point. I'm back to sun free because its just not even worth it. Yeah, my legs would look better now, but how about later? Noooootttt worth it.

Aug 15, 2013

Veronica B.

Thank you so much!

Aug 15, 2013

Meagan H.

Fake tans are amazing! Tan without the cancer! :) Google "Tan Mom" and see the sun is capable of!

Aug 15, 2013

Becca L.

When I was in high school I would lay out every day in the summer with tanning oil. Then after I realized I want to be a makeup artist and hair stylist, I realized I need my skin in good shape. My role model for being fair and having glowing skin is makeup artist carmindy. I love being fair skinned now, makes me feel like snow white ;)

Aug 15, 2013

Becca L.

I stay out of the sun now and if I have to be in it I wear spf 50 and a hat

Aug 15, 2013

Jes T.

I live in Washington where there really isn't much sun anyway lol. When ever there is I burn and end up looking like a tomato. I like my pale skin though :)

Aug 16, 2013

Alyssa G.

The sun and I definitely don't get along! As a fair redhead, I get sunburnt through the windshield of my car... Forget about actually "tanning" lol. I love having pale, fair skin, but living in Florida makes it extremely hard to not get some sort of sun damage. I use a lotion with spf 50 in it every day on my face and then body lotion with spf 30. For actual sunscreen for the beach I have a prescription sunscreen at spf 100 prescribed from my derm. And somehow I still seem to get burnt! Haha.

Aug 16, 2013

Natalie T.

I don't really go out in the sun! As a child, I always tanned easily... I can probably count the times I've been sunburned over the past 23 years, on one hand! I get really dark, with ease and rarely burn... I grew up in NJ so I saw a lot of women with loose, leathery, orange skin and it scared the life out of me! Since I was about 11 or 12, I decided I didn't want to look like them and completely avoided the sun. When I did/do go out in the sun I always wear tons of SPF and I usually don't expose myself if I'm lying out in the sun. People hate going to the beach with me because I cover my arms, legs, and face with long sleeves or extra towels and they think I look ridiculous. I actually think I'm doing more damage by not getting enough vitamin D... but I'm terrified of aging my skin by sun exposure!
You don't have to be as extreme as I am-freaking out about covering up every inch of my body when everyone else is slathering on tanning oil. I would just recommend wearing SPF when you are exposed to the sun and avoid tanning beds. From your post, it just seems like you just need to find a happy medium.

The sun is great for you! I adore it. A rising epidemic were getting is vitamin D deficiency, we are all so worried about aging that we depend on SPF to keep us young. But what's it really doing to us? The chances of getting melanoma are 1/100000, while sun exposure does raise it by a "scary 75%" it is still only 1.75/100000. Factor in that melanoma is just about the least deadly cancer, and I'd say I'm not too worried! But sunscreen, man oh man is that ever different. Lets start with ingredients, 9/15 ingredient in all sunscreen are endocrine disrupters. Aka chemicals that interfere with hormones. The hormones most commonly effected are thyroid, testosterone and progesterone. Endocrine disrupters can cause abnormal development or fetuses or growing children. Causing early puberty, early breast development or small, undecended testicals in boys. They also cause low sperm counts and infertility. They also contribute to breast cancers, and ovarian cancers in women, as well as prostate cancers in men. Not to mention we are depriving ourselves of vitamin D. Sure, there are other ways to get it but I'd rather not drink 7 gallons of milk a day or subject myself to nothing but vitamins. Vitamin D deficiency (known to affect anyone in north or far south from November-march) also leads to thyroid and breast cancers. I feel extremely passionate about this subject and I don't think people's biggest fear should be wrinkles when we're subjecting ourselves to worse.

Aug 16, 2013

annie M.

Haha the sun hates me, I live on sunscreen basically. lol.

Aug 16, 2013

Emily W.

Here is my story (from a thread I wrote several months ago). My cancers were caused from normal sun exposure. I don't use a bed, I don't lay out. I wear sunscreen as much as I can. It only takes a couple of burns to damage the cells and cause cancer. For the rest of my life, I have to deal with expensive and invasive treatments just to prevent cancer from coming back. All of the warnings about tanning aren't just about vanity and "it causes wrinkles!" Tanning can kill you. There are other cancers besides melanoma, so even if your chances are small for that, there are still several other skin cancers. Cancer is dangerous, period. Just because it is on the skin first, doesn't mean it is any less serious.

@Brittany F. Can you link some peer-reviewed journals that show these links between sunscreen and all of the issues you just listed? I've never seen any scientific evidence of any of those, and I've been researching skin cancer and sunscreen use for a long time (for obvious reasons). As for Vitamin-D deficiency, healthy exposure to any sort of daylight is enough to prevent that. Sitting in your house on a summer afternoon is enough exposure to allow adequate absorption of the nutrients in your diet (unless you have a severe deficiency or live in the extreme north with months of night during winter- both of which are extreme and sitting in the sun isn't going to help).

Aug 16, 2013

Alyssa G.

Yeah I've gotten way too many skin cancers removed from myself to like the sun any more than I do now lol.

Sure ill go find a few hahahaha, and here in Canada we don't get enough sun to get the sufficient vitamin D our body needs!
Here's one by doctor oz

I think it's one of the first ones I've ever read haha
But while there are facts and research showing the suns harmful side, my whole opinion is based off facts as well.

I mean, of course over exposure is bad, but I feel that society these days is way too SPF dependent and it's doing more harm then good.

Aug 17, 2013

Ana P.

Here we have sun everyday of the year, is always summer, so people get used to it and don't wear sunscreen, only if they go to the beach; I've tried to use it everyday but with this heat its not very comfy to put some kind of oil in your face:( sometimes I'm jealous of those cities where the weather its a little cold.

Hahahaa I personally love the winter! I couldn't imagine living somewhere so hot! As much as it disagrees with my above point hahaha

Aug 17, 2013

Danielle B.

Had a very short non-committed relationship with the sun/tanning beds. Dumped the sun. Hooked up with Fake Bake. ;D.