My eyes does look like eachother.


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Jul 30, 2013

Live R.

Hey guys. I have one eye who is smaller than the other, and I wonder how I can make them look the same size, because when I put on mascara it looks like I have put ten layers on one eye and one layer on the other eye.. Any tips? :) its my eyes on the picture, by the way, so you can see what it looks like.

Jul 30, 2013

Shelby T.

One eye (the bigger one) should have darker colors.

Jul 30, 2013

Kaley K.

Put white liner on the water line of the smaller eye.

Jul 30, 2013

Chloe B.

I think your eyes are really cool! Maybe put hardly any mascara on one eye and a good bit on the other? I dunno just guessing haha :)

Jul 30, 2013

Sharina S.

I have the same problem! I always wear black eyeshadow as a soft line on my lash line and make the line thicker on my smaller eye! The line doesn't have to be super thick. It also can be really subtle.

Jul 30, 2013

Sharina S.

It makes the eyelid space to be more even. You can also curl your lashes more on your smaller eye. So they look like they're on the same height!

Jul 30, 2013

Live R.

Thank you!