Why do you wear makeup??


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Jul 29, 2013

Atiyah Y.

Simply because I want to & it's fun. I see it as an accessory. I can go weeks with little to no makeup & still feel just a pretty as I do with a full face.

Jul 29, 2013

Sarah M.

It makes me feel more comfortable:)

Jul 29, 2013

Lauren D.

I think it's fun to put on and I love changing up my makeup routine

Jul 29, 2013

Megan M.

It's like painting but on your face xD it's just fun. It also makes me feel more confident.

Jul 29, 2013

Isabel M.

I wear makeup because I love when it accentuates my features! I love experimenting with it and finding new colors! Makeup is fantastic!

Jul 29, 2013

Kelley D.

To enhance what I naturally have! its a confidence booster.

Jul 29, 2013

Jenna E.

To cover acne..

Jul 29, 2013

Jennifer G.

To try new things! I get bored with my appearance easily and makeup is good way to change things up :)

Jul 29, 2013

Sarah K.

One: fun to put on, two: pretty and three: without it, I look 12 and I am almost 15 haha.

Jul 29, 2013

Olivia G.

I enjoy seeing what I look like before as after.

Jul 29, 2013

Olivia G.

Before and*

Jul 29, 2013

Sara S.

Essential make up I can't live without : Mascara and lipstick the rest isnt that important to me and thats how I feel natural love natural make up c:

Jul 29, 2013

Chandler S.

When I go to bed at night I'm excited to get up and do my makeup in the morning. Its fun!

Jul 29, 2013

Kelly M.

To make me feel beautiful. With out it I don't due to low self esteem.

Jul 29, 2013

Carliza B.

Its fun to do.. it really appeals to my artistic side.

Jul 29, 2013

Lynzie B.

I just like it. I like the way it makes me feel. I like the way I look with it on. I don't feel so naked.

Jul 29, 2013

Llesenia S.

It's fun to the new things and experiment. And to cover acne and scars.

Jul 29, 2013

Llesenia S.

To try*

Jul 29, 2013

Axita S.

Just as an accesry.. it also accentuates our natural beauty..

Jul 29, 2013

Katie S.

Are faces are blank canvas so self-expression! :) xxx

Jul 29, 2013

Nikki R.

I feel more comfortable wearing it and it's fun to put on :)

Jul 29, 2013

Gabi C.

I feel most like myself with make-up on. It doesn't have to be full face, it just makes me feel a little prettier, a little more rock n roll, and all around more comfortable in my skin.

Jul 29, 2013

Kim B.

I put on makeup because I love to look different every time,

I don't wear makeup every day because I hate cleaning my face intensively every day

Jul 29, 2013

Rachel R.

Mascara makes my eyes look bigger and it makes me look and feel more cheerful!!

Jul 29, 2013

Antwanet W.

So I can look a little different once in awhile.