What's The Most Aggravating Make Up Flaw That Happens To You?


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Jul 27, 2013

Jessica J.

When my mascara clumps :(

Jul 27, 2013

Becca B.

@Desiree I know right!? It's horrible lol all because I want things perfect and even. Sucks!

Jul 27, 2013

Adriana C.

Lmao pria I totally get you girl lol...

Jul 27, 2013

Ashley L.

When I do winged eyeliner and they are uneven, clumpy mascara.

Jul 27, 2013

Anna C.

When the eyeliner on one eye looks completely different from the other side and no matter how hard you try you can't fix it so you keep adding more and more eyeliner hoping to even it out and you look like a hot mess...

Jul 27, 2013

Delicia W.

When I can't get my left eye brows the same & I spend so much time trying to get them perfect.

Jul 27, 2013

Amy P.

Creased concealer!

Jul 27, 2013

Lauren C.

When my powder looks cakey.

Jul 27, 2013

Kaitlyn K.

When my foundation smears.

Jul 27, 2013

Nayeli B.

When I put my eyelashes on & I sneeze before the glue drys!! ugh then my eyelashes get all messed up &I have to take them off &put them on right again ):<!!

Jul 27, 2013

Amy B.

When I close my eyes for liquid liner on the left eye it looks very bumpy but on the right eye it doesn't, my under eyes are very drys so concealing them makes it look cakey and when I put to much powder on.

Jul 27, 2013

Taylor F.

That I have a small gap in my left eyebrow and even with pencil for it you can still see it a bit.

Jul 27, 2013

Mindy I.

Sneezing while my mascara is wet

Jul 27, 2013

Ella O.

When I am curling my lashes and sneeze, rips out a bunch of lashes & seems to happen more than it should -.-

Jul 27, 2013

Chandler S.

Liquid liner😑

Jul 27, 2013

Cree L.

When I put on my gel liner across my top lash line and I blink and it goes everywhere!

Jul 27, 2013

Kirin S.

I hate when I apply concealer under my eyes and then it becomes really oily and liquified and starts running down my Cheek...

Jul 27, 2013

Melanie V.

When the tips of my lashes aren't dry and the mascara gets all over my eyelid. Or when I accidentally get too close to my waterline and I blink, getting mascara everywhere.

Jul 27, 2013

Tyler D.

When my mascara gets on my eyelid from my lashes.

Jul 27, 2013

Amy B.

Lol so true ^

Jul 27, 2013

Shelby S.

Hate it when I can't get my cat eye liner symmetrical 😡 It. Drives. Me. Nuts!

Or when that stubborn dark spot or pimple just REFUSES to be covered

Jul 27, 2013

Talitha P.

When I stab myself in the eye with my mascara wand.

Jul 27, 2013

Lara C.

When I try to fix eneven eyeliner... worst ever! or when I get mascara in my eye and I cry for like ten minutes... I get teary just thinking about it LOL.

When my foundation looks cakey and gross in the places where my skin is too dry, like my nose... If I don't exfoliate each time before applying foundation it makes my dry skin look even more dry :-(

Jul 27, 2013

Isabella K.

Eyeshadow clump at crease and fill in eyebrows.