How can I keep my room clean!!


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Jul 26, 2013

Ana P.

My room is always getting messy!! And I hate cleaning!! HELP any tips on how to keep it clean.

Jul 26, 2013

Kaylah G.

Well this is prob really basic but always take a few mins when you wake up and or before you go to bed and clean I always listen to like three songs and then I'm done! Lol! Always put stuff where it goes after your done mostly like makeup and vanity stuff!

Jul 27, 2013

Karen F.

I recommend to first really clean out your room, get rid of stuff you don’t use and get everything organized in boxes and shelves. An organized room with less unnecessary stuff I easier to keep clean :)

Jul 30, 2013

Laura B.

What's you main problem clothes or trash?

Aug 1, 2013

Mai O.

You can buy cute cases/baskets to keep little random stuff (earphones, batteries...). have enough hangers/space for clothes you actually wear. a good sized basket for dirty laundry. and put everything in place when you're done using. In clear do as I say, not as I do. ;)