Allergic To Hair Dye.


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Jul 26, 2013

Hannah A.

I am allergic to most hair dyes but I can't find a permanent hair dye that's hypoallergenic and won't bother my scalp. I have used bigen powder and bigen that's already been mixed. but they never stay for to long. what product should I use?

Jul 26, 2013

Claudia C.

Honey, hair dye will bother your scalp if it's applied near it no matter what. If you really are allergic, I suggest finding out what you are actually allergic to specifically and only buy hair dye products that don't have that ingredient.

Jul 26, 2013

Lena L.

You could always due your hair naturally. For instance, if you want to go lighter, pour lemon juice over your strands to brighten them up for summer :)

Jul 27, 2013

Ayesha M.

How about henna to dye your hair?

Jul 28, 2013

Hannah A.

Henna! thanks. I looked it up. and I might have to try that Lena L.