Bubble'S In Nail Polish


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Jun 27, 2012

Cindy M.

I have just started doing my nails and tried several nail polishes,I always get a bubble in one of my nails,I just bought nail tek,which say's it dries within a few minutes,well...it does but the bottom coats are still soft and I saw the previous bubbles from the other coats of nail polish,BACK rub anybody???how about nail massage!!! I was smoothing my nails like a massage and looked and bubbles all but gone,this was a couple of hours of when I polished them and still seemed the bottom was still wet some,don't gouge them just smooth with your thumb,still testing,see what will happen later

Kennedy R.

Jun 28, 2012

Kennedy R.

good idea ill try that!!!!<3

Jun 28, 2012

Cindy M.

When the polish completly dried later it was bubble free and smoothed out any imperfections