Painting My Nails


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Jun 26, 2012

gabbyy H.

What are some tips for painting my nails and puting designs on them and making sure I dont get it on my skin ( I always do and it's hard for me to take it of with nail polish remover )
- thanks (:

Have a steady hand! Or maybe you can tape the surrounding of your nails with some scorch-tape? Don't think I help much.. Sorry. :/

Jun 26, 2012

gabbyy H.

Aha the scotch tape worked wondersss i ussualy get the paint everywhere since my hands are not steady when it comes to painting

Jun 27, 2012

lynn l.

I second gabbyy! A scotch tape does wonders. Just have a layer around your nail :)

Don't try to paint the polish right on the cuticle rather place the brush a smidgen away and PUSH the polish as close as you can get. Kind of like kneading dough.