Washing face with honey???


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Jun 27, 2012

Laura K.

Okay so I was on the website (aka addiction) CrunchyBetty.com and I was ready a really different blog about washing your face with honey everyday for 12 days instead of cleanser?? 1. it has to be raw organic honey (which I happen to have ;) ) and 2. you can't use any other product....I was thinking of trying it, I know honey has natural antibacterial agents but I was wondering if anyone else has tried it?

Jun 27, 2012

Sabrina B.

i've never heard of that. personally i'd never do it, BUT i would use it as a mask instead maybe for 12 days. 

Jun 27, 2012

Laura K.

I wasn't too sure if I would do it either- I thought maybe I'll try it, but for 12 days with no other products??? no moisturizer? that's a little too extreme for me lol

Jun 28, 2012

Darshay D.

I started using organic honey as a face wash and you wont need a moisturizer after honey does not dry out your skin its really good you should try it 

Jena O.

Jul 2, 2012

Jena O.

I wouldn't rely on it as a cleanser but it makes for a great weekly mask.