Is 13 A Bad Age To Start Wearing Makeup?


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Jul 29, 2013

Bethany K.

I'm not too sure I'd wearing makeup at 13 is a bad thing or not?

Jul 29, 2013

Sasha M.

Not really but you don't need it, just wear something like lipstick or mascara. Don't wear foundation because it will make your skin spotty.

Jul 29, 2013

Lauren K.

Yes it is a bad thing, I've only just started to wear it and I'm fifteen; I only really wear concealer and foundation :)

Jul 29, 2013

Amber R.

No I don't think so, I started wearing makeup properly about 13 years. You don't need much though, try hold off foundation til you feel like you really need it. Mascara and eyeliner are good to start and tinted lip balms and subtle lipsticks/glosses x

Jul 29, 2013

Lara C.

13 is ok:)

Jul 29, 2013

Katie B.

I'm 13 and I wear it.

Jul 29, 2013

Emma K.

its not

Jul 29, 2013

Amy R.

I'm 12 and I wear it, but I have done research I know loads about it. To start with makeup I wore mascara and lipstick but now I wear eyeshadow eyeliner and lipstick while keeping it natural. You should do that too :)

Jul 29, 2013

Amy R.

I'm 13 in November

Jul 29, 2013

Sarah D.

I think its ok for you but just simple makeup not foundation and smokey eyes... I think mascara and blush is fine.

Jul 29, 2013

Bemnia L.

I think it's perfectly fine.

Jul 29, 2013

Vale R.

I started wearing mascara at 12 but now I wear blush eyeshawdow lipstick and mascara but I don't wear it all regularly
BTW I'm 13

Jul 29, 2013

Hailey S.

Not at all. Wear what you want! Your officially a teenager (:

Jul 29, 2013

Meharunisa D.

Same age and I try not to wear to much makeup though.

Jul 29, 2013

Mariah W.

Okay no one really needs to wear makeup.. Makeup is a personal choice. I wear it, my friend doesn't. Nobody actually "needs" makeup.. Just a thought;) and I say 13 is the age to start exploring makeup.. When I was 13 I wore powder foundation (very lightly) and some mascara. Then in a year start exploring natural color eyeshadows and go light on it. You're fine to wear makeup if you want!.. I would ask your mom or an older sister to help you out and teach you

Jul 29, 2013

Keenul P.

Havr a tinted moisturizer, blush, mascara, lip gloss/ balm no lipstick yet, and an e.l.f eyebrow kit to fill in your brows.

Jul 29, 2013

Jackie R.

I think 13 is a good age. That's when you turn a teenager.

Regardless, everyone is going to have a different opinion depending on when THEY started. Just be sure to talk to your mom.

Jul 29, 2013

Emily N.

I started playing with makeup when I was 11 and then when I was 12 I started curling my eyelashes, wearing bronzer, and discovered my passion for lip gloss. I'm 13 and I wear mascara, under eye concealer, tinted lip balm, and I have to use this special green lotion so to cover that up I wear bb cream.