Makeup for 8 year olds?


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Jul 29, 2013

Ashreen C.

What think about 8-9 year olds doing makeup?

Jul 29, 2013

Nadia E.

Is this for you?

Jul 29, 2013

Ashreen C.

No not for me, my little cousin and she does for parties and sometime when she goes to people's house.

Jul 29, 2013

Nadia E.

Yea I used to play with makeup and try things out all the time at that age! Defiantly not for every day though

Jul 29, 2013

Amanda L.


Jul 29, 2013

Amanda L.

12 at the youngest and even then maybe just mascara and eyeliner.

Jul 29, 2013

Melissa S.

Stop right there. ✋ Just no.

Jul 29, 2013

Isabella K.


Jul 29, 2013

Noelle T.

Not everyday but like you said for parties I think a little lipgloss and depending on how formal maybe a little mascara would be adorable!

Jul 29, 2013

Isabella K.


Jul 29, 2013

Isabella K.

I started using clear mascara by the end of 10.

Jul 29, 2013

Nicole C.


Jul 29, 2013

Isabella K.

And then at 11 I was like playing around with it, but not seriously.

Jul 29, 2013

Isabella K.

I only startec at 12.

Jul 29, 2013

Isabella K.


Jul 29, 2013

Isabella K.


Jul 29, 2013

Nina F.

8 years old? What the hell? An 8 year old shouldn't even be thinking about wearing makeup let alone actually using it. Wait until you're at least in 7th grade to try anything

Jul 29, 2013

Nicole C.

I think because some people are so messed up, and only judge you by your looks, younger girls are worrying and thinking they need makeup to look prettier. Makeup isn't something to make you prettier. That's what they need to realize. I started with mascara at 11.

Jul 29, 2013

Alexis V.

That's so young!!NOOOO!! I'm 16 and I don't even wear makeup just mascara

Jul 29, 2013

Kaley K.

No. Nonononono

Jul 29, 2013

Nikelle B.

No way!! I would die if my daughter thought she was old enough to wear makeup at this age. don't rush your childhood... stick with makeup on Barbie's... that's it.

Jul 29, 2013

Selena V.

For fun playing dress up but no not all the time not out in public they shouldn't be lookin like teenagers or adults it's not ok ever!!

Jul 29, 2013

Nicole C.

I don't even think you should be wearing makeup for parties. 8 years old and in what, 2nd grade? That's ridiculous. I started young in my opinion but at the youngest, start at 12.

Jul 29, 2013

Sarah J.

If there like messing around like with the little Barbie makeup packs that are cheep but they don't wear it out then yeah

Jul 29, 2013

Kitty G.

Maby a little lip gloss for party's.