Belly button piercing!


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Aug 7, 2013

Emily T.

Ok so I want my belly button pierced but can I have advice? Like is it painful? is it worth it? What can I do and not do?.. And stuff like that! Thanks(:

Aug 7, 2013

Nora B.

It hurts only for a few seconds, I completely love mine :) I would get it professionally done , I did it for a friend but it could have gone really badly but it came out fine. But if you do want to DIY I would ask a friend and buy a kit. It bleeds a lot and its a little difficult to sleep on your stomach, and you have to clean it everyday or it gets crusty lol oh and you shouldn't go swimming for a few months after getting it done.

Aug 7, 2013

Qiyi Z.

You hav to clean it twice a day and for the first few weeks try not to touch it cuz it can get infected and then after a few months you can try twisting the piercing and move it around so that you can clean it better and use anti bacterial cream after cleaning and if you want to clean it real well you can get some salt water and pour it on your belly button while your layed down  :))

Aug 7, 2013

Cassidy B.

It's not too bad. It's like a quick pain. Make sure you eat before you go. I made the mistake of piecing my hips on an empty stomach and got very light headed and almost passed out.

Aug 7, 2013

Qiyi Z.

And keep your belly button dry at all times or it will get infected if it does get infected you HAV to get it off

Aug 7, 2013

Tiffany P.

Mine hurt really bad. I was literally in tears and almost passed out. But I pass out with shots all the time. Anyways I wouldn't get it again to be honest the healing process was a pain. I know tons of girls who have gotten infections from it so I was constantly making sure it was cleaned properly. On the upside the guy game me candy! Hahaha.

Aug 7, 2013

Aimee H.

On the other side to those, my friend had hers done about 2 weeks ago. Obviously I don't know how it will turn out, but he has had no problems what so ever. She soaks her belly button in salty water each day. She says she can sleep on her stomach, but it hurts to stretch and stuff. However, she may be hiding the pain(; I want one too so let me know how it goes!! Xx

Aug 7, 2013

Courtney M.

My older sister got one a while back and she said it stung getting it. She has a high tolerance for pain though. Lol that's why I don't get piercing...I only have my ears pierced... Make sure you clean it because it can get infected. After a certain amount of time, you should move it around. When you first get it just try not to touch because Itll obviously be sore. She hasn't had any problems with it.

Aug 7, 2013

Courtney M.


Aug 7, 2013

Bliss A.

It didn't hurt to me. However! Somehow mines got infected TWICE! Not a pretty sight. I figure I was thoroughly drying it after showering. It's really pretty though.

Aug 7, 2013

Bliss A.


Aug 7, 2013

Cassidy C.

Mine didn't hurt when it got pierced until I got in the car cause the lap belt kept trying to catch it, also be careful with dangling ones cause they like to snag sheets. but I loveee it being pierced.

Aug 7, 2013

Emily T.

Thanks everyone for the advice! I'm thinking of getting it in like winter or fall so I can go swimming and stuff! (:

Aug 7, 2013

Sarah M.

Mine didn't hurt at all, but I wouldn't recommend it. Mine caught everything & eventually tore right out while I was in school. My belly button's split now,lol

Aug 8, 2013

Meiby Y.

I'd recommend going to a professional and eating before getting it done lol :-) it didn't hurt me too much and I didn't bleed too much either :-) the after care was a bit more painful. I was told to move it around that way it would never get stock on the skin and to clean it twice daily with this salty water they gave me. I've had it for 5 years now.