Hair After Swimming?


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Jun 25, 2012

Zoe Mae M.

What is the best way to cleanse your hair of chlorine without using a ton of product/shampoo and drying it out?? Thanks!

Jun 25, 2012

Taylor S.

I usually apply a generous amount of extra virgin olive oil on my ends and throughout my hair. Obviously you have to shampoo after that though. If it feels weird, you may need to shampoo twice. Than I usually apply conditioner for 10 mins on the ends of my hair, wash it out and then apply a moisturizing detangler to my hair. Feels like 'brand new' after haha :) Hope this helped.

Jun 25, 2012

Paloma C.

I use lots of conditioner after swimming.

here's a tip that works really great for me..
use leave in conditioner on your hair before jumping in the pool
that way your hair won't absorb so much of the pool water
and reduces damage. 

Jun 25, 2012

Shelley W.

Before swimming rinse your hair under regular tap water. This keeps the chlorine from fully pentrating your hair then use a leave in conditioner. My bestie who has fine blond hair swears by this method...keeps her hair from looking green and feeling like hay. 

Jun 25, 2012

Lauren B.

I know it sounds weird but i have heard that applying full fat mayonnaise to your hair is meant to be great to deeply condition your hair. Hope this helps:)

Jun 25, 2012

Zoe Mae M.

Thanks everyone!! Really helped ;)

Jun 25, 2012

Amelia R.

I 'm on my school's swim team so I've tried a bunch of strategies and I agree with shelley, rinse first. Also, I know it's not totally desirable to use a clarifying shampoo when the chlorine has already dried it out so much, but that is the only way to really get it out, just be sure to deep condition afterwards.

Jun 25, 2012

Amelia R.

I 'm on my school's swim team so I've tried a bunch of strategies and I agree with shelley, rinse first. Also, I know it's not totally desirable to use a clarifying shampoo when the chlorine has already dried it out so much, but that is the only way to really get it out, just be sure to deep condition afterwards.

Jun 27, 2012

Olivia G.

This would have been so helpful when I was a squad swimmer haha :-/ My hair got absolutely wrecked after rswimming 14 - 15 times a week for hours :-/ 

Jun 27, 2012

Amanda B.

I dont know where your from but theres a product in the US called ultra swim. I used to be on a swim team when I was younger and they sold it through speedo company where we got our bathing suits. It gets the clorine out with out stripping your hair it doesnt dry it out at all if you cant find this which i am sure they probably have it online some where to order you can try conditioning washing just wash your hair with conditionor and water but if your hair gets oily fash youll have to shampoo again the next day

Jul 4, 2012

Kaylah A.

A clarifying shampoo anytime you get outta the pool and a good work we reccomend it to all of our clients who swim in pool. There are a lot of companies who sell clarifying shampoos and it will saying "Clarifying" on it!

Jul 4, 2012

LaToya C.

Lots of conditioner or even leave in conditioner. For me it work since I have dry hair in general.

Jul 4, 2012

Paola B.

Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. I always put condition on all over my hair BEFORE going in the pool, this helps acting as a barrier from the chlorine.

Zoe Mae M.

Oakland/San Francisco, CA