Makeup for school(: (8th grade)


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Aug 4, 2013

Samantha Q.

Any suggestions for a cute makeup style for me? That's me in the picture, if you can please add a picture of the eye makeup(:

Aug 4, 2013

Samantha Q.

(No makeup?)

Aug 4, 2013

Samantha Q.

*(no makeup)

Aug 4, 2013

Charlotte F.

I'm in the 8th grade and I wear concealer, stating powder, eyeliner on the top lash line, mascara and lip balm;)

Aug 4, 2013

Samantha Q.


Aug 4, 2013

Jennifer J.

I like what you are wearing in your profile pic.

Aug 4, 2013

Samantha Q.


Aug 4, 2013

Herrrraa--- F.

Concealer, face powder, neutral eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara and lip balm.

Aug 4, 2013

A R.

You're really pretty I say mascara and maybe eyeliner on the top lid and lip gloss trust me you don't even need much.

Aug 4, 2013

Alexa R.

A gold eye shadow is also great to play around with. I it looks like you have brown eyes so the gold eyeshadow might highlight any gold speaks or streaks in your eyes. You could also smudge some brown eye liner so it's not such a hard line and it can blend into the gold, all of that can go with black mascara. But you have a very pretty natural face I would just do a face scrub or mask once a week to bring out the glow in your natural color.:)

Aug 19, 2013

Ashley B.

Bb cream, translucent powder, some concealer mascara and lip blam.