To Thread Or Not?


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Jul 31, 2013

Juliana A.

Debating to get my brows done. this is the messiest one

Jul 31, 2013

Malia M.

I feel with threading you get a better shape with your eyebrows but defently more painful than waxing

Jul 31, 2013

Lauren K.

Yeah, go ahead, threading is something you get used to but as Malia said, waxing is super painful and it feels as though someone is ripping the skin from your body!...sorry, that was a bit graphic! ;P
but yeah thread them if you really want to x

Jul 31, 2013

Devyani G.

Ya do it.I have been threading my brows since I was in high school.You get used to the pain and it gives the best shape.

Jul 31, 2013

Lydia M.

Threading is the most precise way to shape your eyebrows (personal opinion) its been years that I've used that method and I've never been disapointed. It does hurt a lil bit at first but you really get use to it (:

Jul 31, 2013

Becca L.

I switched to threading 3 years ago because I got half of my eyebrow waxed off one time:(. I never felt like threading was super painful and I have never been disappointed. I recently introduced my waxing friend to threading and she says its so painful she crus every time, but she loves the results and has gone back 3 times now! It's worth a shot in my opinion because the results are beautiful :)

Jul 31, 2013

Dina U.

I'm a threading artist and its not painless, like the girls have said, but I go to great lengths to only make it as painful as it absolutely must be. I am ripping hair from my clients face after all, but finding someone who is light handed makes a big difference.
crying and sneezing is a very common and natural reaction for threading- its jut your bodies reaction to so many hairs being pulled at once.
you have beautiful brows to begin with and with a properly trained and experienced threader they will look even better when they're done!

Jul 31, 2013

Juliana A.

Thanks everyone. this brow bothers me most. ill have to try it out.