I never get enough sleep.


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Jul 31, 2013

Jessica Z.

I go to bed at different times, but mostly 10:30 to like 9:30. I can never get enough sleep no matter how many hours I get. Do you guys have any tips or tricks to not being so tired?? It's causing me to have dark circles._. Ahhh. Thanks:)

Jul 31, 2013

Shauna S.

A change in diet can drastically change how tired you are. Not eating out all the time and avoiding all those processed foods. Look up some good smoothie recipes, take vitamins. Also try exercising every other day for an hour. Drink some sleepy time tea before bed, and maybe even have a nice bath or read a book to relax you. Also try putting cucumbers on your eyes, or wrap ice cubes in a towel and put them on your eyes. Also drink a lot of water!!

Jul 31, 2013

Jessica Z.

Wow! Thanks so much.

Jul 31, 2013

Naomi S.

You're low on iron it sounds like..
take vegan iron vitamins and keep a healthy diet. lots of water and live food (salad, fruit n veggies). cut back on fried food and get outside for some vitamin d!.. good luck. ;-)

Jul 31, 2013

Naomi S.

Low iron gives you dark circles.. n makes you feel tired even if you've slept

Jul 31, 2013

Naomi J.

You should try some weed.. That always helps and helps with your eating habit

Jul 31, 2013

Courtney B.

Ok this is going to be long...
Melatonin is a natural supplement that should be taken every day to get the desired effects. It's not a sleeping pill that makes you fall asleep. It is also good for you immune system.
DO NOT take iron supplements without getting your blood tested first. Taking supplements can be dangerous if you don't actually need them.
You should also get you vitamin d and thyroid levels tested because those can cause tiredness.
A healthy diet with exercise can always help.
Weed won't do anything unless you want to be more tired (which you're asking for the opposite) and want to binge eat on junk food.

Jul 31, 2013

Courtney B.

I forgot to mention that melatonin is for regulating your sleep cycles.