Oily Hair


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Jun 19, 2012

Genna O.

My hair is fine, straight, and blonde and i wash it daily. I know that you shouldn't wash hair daily, and I want to make the transition to washing every other day, but my hair gets greasy so fast and is really easy to tell is greasy. Are there any tricks to help me with the transition?

Jun 19, 2012

Rachel B.

i have the same issue!! first off a good a dry shampoo will help and absorb all the oil (try the bars from lush). Also, you can also rinse your hair and just use conditioner at the ends and not use shampoo. Those are just some of the things i like to do hope that helps! http://misscitychic.wordpress.com/

Jun 19, 2012

Livvy P.

Hi Genna,I have the same problem,i have thick hair so it's a real pain but i've learn a trick that really helps- When you wash your hair (every 2 days i advise) Only dampen your hair (because oil and water dont mix,they seperate) before you shampoo (a shampoo with a moustrising formula,will help with the oil) and really scrub into your scalp then wash it off as best you can afterwards condition your hair on the ends with little Product and work your way up to your roots so not as much product gets into your roots.If you follow this routine everytime you wash your hair this should really help as it did mine! 

Jun 19, 2012

Amanda B.

leave shampoo in one to two minutes and if you use conditionor dont put it in your scalp. Thats my trick hope this helps

Jun 20, 2012

Genna O.

Thanks guys:)

Jun 20, 2012

Shelly T.

Another thing you can try is baby powder. Put a tiny bit on the scalp and then brush it through; it'll absorb the oils.

Jun 20, 2012

Jessica M.

Baby powder! Its a simple but effective remedy! I do it :) put some baby powder in your hands and run your fingers through your hair, then use a brush to comb it out!

Jun 20, 2012

Kayla H.

Suave makes a really great dry shampoo. You just apply it to the roots of your hair when its feeling a little greasy and it will aborb any unwanted oils from your hair! Also, If you wash your hair TOO much that may be the cause of all the extra oil production. Its like your hair is drying out and trying to survive so it makes oils for itself haha. I also have oily hair and do find that inbetween washes dry shampoo helps SO much! Hope this has helped you =)

Jun 20, 2012

Kayla H.

adsorb* haha sorry I have a new laptop and the keys are way different than my old one