Shaping Brows!


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It seems like my brows just have this, curve to them, with no particular arch. No stencils, hints or tips seem to really fit my brow shape or face shape! They are quite thick, so this picture is how I normally pluck/fill them, but I'm wondering if anyone has any tips to help me out! I've tried watching all the brow videos I can get to, but mine just seem so rounded, and I'm too scared of thinning them out too much! How can I get that lovely arched brow?!

Jun 17, 2012

Mary P.

Get them waxed & tell the person waxing your brows that you want them arched. 

Waxing has always broken me out so badly. I have such sensitive skin. Every time I try it's just not pretty!

Jun 17, 2012

Cameron R.

Hey Victoria! = )
Your eyebrows like mine are very round, but you do still have an arch to them, it's just not very dramatic! You can always wait while they grow, but if you are looking for an instant fix, I would just recommend taking away hair from the arch you already have which will make it more dramatic. If you are worried about it looking too thin, I would just use a powder or gel fill out the top more which will also help increase the arch while making your brows fuller. I did this awhile back until they grew in to the shape I wanted and it worked great! Hope that helps. = )

I'm definitely worried about it looking too thin as opposed to the rest of my brow if I do that. Would you recommend plucking some from the top of my brow, more towards my nose, to sort of give it a straightened out look? Or is that just a horrible idea?

Jun 17, 2012

Mary P.

You can pluck them, use a white eyeliner to draw the arch & pluck out the hairs outside the white line.