How can I lighten eyebrows.


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Aug 1, 2013

Lily G.

So I have really dark eyebrow and would lighten them a shade or two I have like black eyebrows and light brown hair.

Aug 1, 2013

Lily G.

Lol umm I should have proof read
* so I have really dark eyebrows and would like to lighten them a shade or two. As of now I have black eyebrows and light brown hair*

Aug 1, 2013

Crystal H.

You can go to a salon and get them dyed a lighter color or try putting foundation over them and then going over them in a brown powder.

Aug 1, 2013

Mariela P.

Try the Sally Hansen creme hair bleach, that's what I used to use when I dyed my hair lighter.. it works very well, it's not harsh on your skin or anything. You can find it at the drugstore!

Aug 1, 2013

Kitty N.

If you want an at-home way of lightening your eyebrows, I've heard lemon juice works great! It may dry your skin out though, so be sure to moisturizer around that area.