Konad Stamping


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does anybody have any good tips and tricks for konad stamping, or looking to swap plates? im looking for HOUNDSTOOTH one

Jun 20, 2012

Sandra R.

I have the houndstooth one!
The only tip i have is work fast!!


can you tell me what plate the houndstooth one is on, as im trying to get my hands on one before the weekend

Jun 21, 2012

Sandra R.

I got mine on amazon in a pack of all different plates. But search Amazon Konad Plate M63 or just put Konad Houndstooth plate it should come up!

Hope this helped.

These are all of the Konad plates you're likely to find as it's the official site.


Hope this helps.

Aug 16, 2012

Lena L.

I use Bundle Monster plates from Amazon instead of Konad because they're cheaper for me to start out and there's a houndstooth one in one of their collections. But my tip is definitely to be careful while aligning it with your nail and make sure to not take TOO much time. Also, use Konad polish but then you gotta work REAL fast because it dries almost instantaneously.