Mosquito Bite Help!


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Jun 20, 2012

Shelley W.

I woke up this morning to a mosquito bite just above the crease on my eyelid. I can't use the ointment that I usually use because it says not to use on the eye area (I wouldn't even attempt it because it stinks to high heaven). What natural rememdies do you suggest safe for the eye area? FYI it hurts pretty bad too. :(

Jun 25, 2012

Fancie B.

Have you tried using tea tree oil? I'm prone to bug bites in the summer and tea tree oil helps with the itching and stinging. Plus it helps it clear up sooner

Jun 25, 2012

Sofia B.

Oh my god. I am sooo prone to bites! Try honey. It makes you not want to itch.(:

Jun 25, 2012

Shelley W.

Awww thank you Fancie and Sofia. That bite is still going strong on my lid and I had hubby go out and get me tea tree oil and honey. At least now I'll have a supply on hand for future bites. :)