VS beach waves spray.


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Aug 2, 2013

Ann-alyse K.

Hey girlies!

I was going to go get some beach spray this weekend and I figured you could help! Right now I'm interested in the VS beach hair waves spray and I was wondering if it was a really good product ( I have naturally straight hair) and if not what are some other good beach sprays that don't cost a fortune!! Thanks for the help!💋

Aug 2, 2013

Sarah M.

I have no experience with VS so I can't say anything regarding it, but I do own the salt spray from Not Your Mother's & it's amazing in my opinion. The Not Your Mother's spray was either 7 or 8 dollars at CVS, so it's definitely worth trying. Any kind of sea salt spray will dry out yout hair a bit so if you apply a little serum through mid-lengths to ends after spraying the wave enhancer it will make your hair look and feel incredible. If you can afford a little bit more there is also a spray by Healthy Sexy Hair called Soy Renewal Beach Spray that works a little better than the previously mentioned and doesn't dry out your strands as much. I got mine from Marshall's for 12.

Aug 2, 2013

Liz B.

Just make your own for a lot cheaper. Mix pure mountain salt (usually pink) then add a little tiny squirt of hair gel and and mix together with 8 oz of hot water

Aug 2, 2013

Ann-alyse K.

Okay Thanks girls!