Blonde wanting to go darker! HELPP.


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Aug 1, 2013

Casandra A.

I'm pale ash white blonde, I am looking to go to a 9n. My hair is very porous, so I need suggestions on what to fill my hair with first in order for the color to actually stick. Any suggestions?

Aug 1, 2013

Alexandra S.

Maybe a dirty blond to light brown because you don't want to have a huge leap also it would match your skin tone more.

Aug 1, 2013

Macy W.


I'm not sure about these, I'm looking into them myself, but perhaps a protein filler?

Aug 1, 2013

Casandra A.

Yess deff a protein filler. I used insurance tools from salon centric (Emiliani) it worked but I need a little more of a conditioning filler. I was thinking a gold protein filler but I have no idea which line would make a good product? Color probss!

Aug 1, 2013

Megan S.

If you can shop at salon centric you must be licensed, so you should know what to do. I would say fill with a 10g diluted with half clear, then put a 9N over and make sure they're both demi permanent!

Aug 1, 2013

Casandra A.

Yes I know, I was just asking for opinions. Since blonde hair as light as mine is very tricky & takes a lot of trial and error if you want to try out new things lol but thank you. I shall try it out

Aug 1, 2013

Megan S.

Ok that makes since, its just a lot of people on here don't know what to do either in that situation! I really like redkens shades eq gloss for tint backs, and I would stand test before doing your whole head!

Aug 1, 2013

Casandra A.

I'm deff going to look into redken, I have just tried a lot & since my hair is so light it's tough finding a color that will take! Lol such a hassle

Aug 1, 2013

Kara L.

I completely agree with Megan!! The exact formula I was thinking! I'm a redken girl haha

Aug 2, 2013

Niki C.

If you're curious how it will turn out, do a swatch test first before applying it to your whole head.

Aug 2, 2013

Maria R.

John Freda's shear blonde