Help My Nailpolish Isnt Coming Off!!😭


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Oct 27, 2013

Anna S.

I put on glitter nailpolish the other day and now the glitter isn't coming off any tips please help I am using nailpolish remover.

Oct 27, 2013

Olivia G.

I've had the same problem with Essie glitter polish and it eventually fell off after a few days.

Oct 27, 2013

Madeline F.

I have that same exact nail polish. Scrub it for a really really long time.

Oct 27, 2013

Anna S.

Thank you everyone I'll try that.

Oct 27, 2013

Twinkle S.

Search for a editorial on btylish called.. how to remove glitter nailpolish.. its thre..

Oct 27, 2013

Kady T.

All glitter nail polish is harder to get off than normal polish. Acitone gets it off much easier.

Oct 27, 2013

Anna S.

I only have non acetone nailpolish remover😢

Oct 27, 2013

Taylor J.

Take the nail polish on a cotton pad and put it on your nail and wrap aluminum foil around it. Let it sit for a few minutes then remove it. It sounds silly but it works.

Oct 27, 2013

Alexandra S.

Soak it in nail poohs makes sure there is ase tone in it.

Oct 27, 2013

Symone B.

Don't fool around with regular polish remover. Use pure acetone. Take an old rag with acetone on it. Wrap it. Let it sit for 15 seconds wipe it. Most of it should come off then rub off what's left

Oct 27, 2013

Sarah D.

Read the top one.

Oct 27, 2013

Abby S.

The aluminum foil trick works really good

Oct 27, 2013

Jessica V.

The non-acetone nail polish remover defeats the purpose of nail polish remover just get pure acetone and that'll get it off I had this same nail polish remover and went and bought the pure acetone and it works wonders.

Oct 28, 2013

Jill G.

They posted an editorial on this website about how to remove the glitter nail polishes

Oct 28, 2013

Kathy C.

Do exactly what the editorial everyone's talking about says. Soak in a dish/bowl filled with nail polish remover is also good. Please DO NOT do things like scratch it off with anything abrasive. This hurts your nails. Good luck getting the stubborn glitter off.

Oct 30, 2013

Heather V.

I had the same problem ughhhghghgh
I was wearing Sally Hansen's Fuzzy Coat (and was wearing 4 layers of it) Because I wanted it to look opaque but I didn't realise that you need to have a coloured base underneath!
So I decided to take it off ussing Acetone Remover! BUT THAT DIDN't WORK! So I scraped it off with a tooth pick and a spoon! It took forever for me to take it off! But after I did remove it, my nails where so weak and super bendy!! ;(
So if I where you, just leave it alone?