Going to lunch makeup.


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So I'm going to lunch and I need some makeup ideas please help!

Oct 27, 2013

3forevergigi3 ..

Brown shadows and nude pink lips.

Oct 27, 2013

Tessandra R.


Oct 27, 2013

Tessandra R.


Oct 27, 2013

Tessandra R.

And #3 :) I hope these help! Xxx

Oct 27, 2013

Victoria G.

She said going to lunch, not hitting the red carpet.

Oct 27, 2013

Sheree H.

Lol Victoria

Oct 27, 2013

Kyraa D.

@Victoria I don't see any red carpet makeup here.. they all seem like pretty simple, 'lunch time' looks to me.

Oct 27, 2013

Bronwyn R.

I get what Tessandra meant but the pics confuse me as the one on the right doesn't look like the other 2.

Oct 27, 2013

Elisa G.

@victoria- kind of rude!

Oct 27, 2013

Saiqa B.


Oct 27, 2013

Saby T.

I like Tessandra's suggestion! @Victoria umm red carpet? @Basically beauty try suggestion 1 and 2 :)

Oct 27, 2013

Bree B.

Oct 27, 2013

Bree B.

Oct 27, 2013

Bree B.

Or I might do something fun like this!

Oct 27, 2013

Isabella K.

Lol victoria I was thinking the same.

Oct 27, 2013

Isabella K.

But I still like the looks Tessandra proposed, and they put them there as an inspiration, not the ACTUAL look.

Oct 27, 2013

Isabella K.

Simplicity is key. You'll be fine with blush, fill in eyebrows, maybe black smudged pencil eyeliner, curl lashes, mascara and a bright lipstick.

Oct 27, 2013

Tessandra R.

@Victoria actually most of these are day to day makeup. Some may be more formal yes but I put those there specifically in case she was looking to dress up a little more. There isn't a reason to be rude. And @Bronwyn they're all different styles, they're not meant to look alike :) Thank you to the girls who were polite :)

Oct 27, 2013

Shelley W.

I love all the looks posted!

Oct 27, 2013

Traci L.

The all look like daytime looks and pretty.

Oct 27, 2013

Tessandra R.

Thank you @Shelley and @Traci :)