Really Really Long Hair Help!!


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Oct 12, 2013

Abby R.

My hair is just above my tailbone (I will post a pic soon) and I'm not sure if I should cut it. A lot of people tell me never to cut it and I have become very attached to but it is starting to get very hot. It's a really hard decision and I'm scared I'm going to regret either decision!

Oct 12, 2013

Millie C.

If you post a picture of your hair I can help.

Oct 12, 2013

Abby R.

Sorry it's a really old picture but the blue line indicates the length it is at now.

Oct 12, 2013

Eve S.

Just keep it I a braid or cut it a couple of inches.

Oct 12, 2013

Lily W.

Omg I want your hair:0!! maybe trim it to where it is in that picture and add some layers or a fringe?

Oct 12, 2013

Carien G.

I wouldn't do it, I did that and it didn't work out too well. it's a lot harder to style and within a week I started to miss my hair, just trimm the ends

Oct 12, 2013

Shannon B.

I would love to have the length of your hair. I was almost there and then I chopped it off. Worst decision I made. I miss my hair now.
For you I would just trim it and on YouTube there are tutorials on how to take care of it and hairstyles that are up in like buns and stuff but are cut for long hair :)

Oct 12, 2013

Erica H.

If you chop it off, it'll take forvever to grow back, but you can cut it whenever. I'd say keep it until it.

Oct 12, 2013

Erica H.

Until you're completely sure.

Oct 20, 2013

Vt S.

Some women Like short hair, others prefer long. You sound like a long hair person like me. (I have the same length). Yes, you will most likely regret cutting it. I did a compromise: cut 2 locks near my face about chin-length, leaving the rest long. Do get the minimum of damaged ends trimmed though, it looks more polish. For long hair people, look at this website:
Rock that hair! ^_^