What Black Hair Dye Lasts I Dyed My Hair Permanent Black And It Faded In 2 Weeks.


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Oct 9, 2013

Citlalli A.

Please help!

Black hair fades really fast, especially if your hair was light before and it's your first time. Try hot showering in super hot water, getting a colour safe shampoo, don't go in the sun too often and don't use tons of heat (it will make your hair fade quicker l)

Oct 10, 2013

Aisling B.

Schwartzkopf lasted really well for me (I had black hair for 4 years.) it does have a strong blue tone to it which washes out quickly, but the dark black colour lasts for over 6 weeks. The more often you dye your hair black, the more it'll hold the colour, as black is a very strong colour to dye your hair.