Growing out a side shave.


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Oct 24, 2013

Emma C.

Has anyone had a side shave and how did they find it growing it out.

Oct 24, 2013

Amanda O.

I would switch your part if its only on the one side whenever you feel it doesn't look good a certain length. probably tour best bet.

Oct 25, 2013

Bree B.

So I had one side shaved, grew it out and the shaved both sides BUT I have really short hair! Which makes a huge difference. I'm growing out my hair, where I don't shave, it keeps me happy, best of both worlds sort of thing. I have no idea what I'm going to do when I decide to grow out the sides, this might be a short sighted plan. However I want to have long hair with the sides shaved so it makes no sense to stop shaving now.

Oct 25, 2013

Nikelle B.

Make sure you keep it trimmed as it's growing. like Amanda said change your part too. as it's growing out you can begin to brush the hair back and behind your ear.

Oct 25, 2013

Shushoni C.

I'm growing out a Mohawk, best suggestion is patience..

Oct 25, 2013

J P.

I've grow a side shave, it was annoying at times but not to bad over all. Switch your part if you can, and just let it grow the first few months. I couldn't switch my part (bad cowlicks) so one it got long enough I used to twist the side back and pin it, like a half pulled back style. Once it grew a bit more I added hair extensions and layered my hair a lot and it all blended together. Took me about 8 months from shaved to extentions and another 8 months w extentions for my natural hair to finally blend in. My hair does grow slowly tho, so it might not take you so long. Good luck!!