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Sep 12, 2012

Kaitlin K.

I want to co wash, but I'm not sure. Does it make ur hair greasy? I'm in school, and I can't afford an extremely greasy day! It doesn't seem like it would actually cLeAn ur hair. Does it?

Sep 14, 2012

Atiyah Y.

Co washing doesn't make your hair greasy at all. It restores the moisture in your hair. I co wash my hair every week in between regular shampooing. 

Sep 14, 2012

Holly N.

I do it all the time, trust me it's fine If done in moderation :)

Mar 2, 2013

Jessi F.

May sound silly but what is co washing?

Mar 2, 2013

Crystal H.

I don't know what it is either Jessi

Mar 3, 2013

Crystal H.