Birthday!! :)


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Oct 16, 2013

Sadie W.

So Fridays my bday and I'll be 13 and I want to look good :) pleAse post picks on any ideas of makeup and hair. Please help because I don't know what to do.

Oct 16, 2013

Hannah K.

Wear mascara and lipgloss. You're 12, you don't need a full face of makeup to look good! :)

Oct 16, 2013

Emma H.

Maybe a cute fish tail braid

Oct 16, 2013

Emma H.

For makeup don't go overboard I would just wear mascara and lipgloss maybe a little eyeliner and a bit of blush

Oct 16, 2013

Veronica E.

Happy 13th Birthday Sadie!

Oct 16, 2013

Erica A.

Go for a natural look,like a light pink lip gloss,little eyeliner,and mascara.You could add a little blush or eyeshadow to your liking:)
You are only 12 so don't wear too much makeup!And happy birthday!:)

Oct 16, 2013

Emma H.


Oct 16, 2013

Isabella K.

13!! Your going to be a teemager pfficially. So you wanna look kinda grown up and cool. Winged eyeliner, top and bottom mascara.

Oct 16, 2013

Isabella K.

Bronzee and blush!

Oct 17, 2013

Sunny A.

Omg love the French fishtail!

Oct 17, 2013

Sadie W.

Thank you all:)