Organic hair products for extremely damaged hair?


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Oct 21, 2013

Ann G.

Anybody know of any organic cruelty free hair products, shampoo, conditioner and hair mask for very dry damaged hair?

Oct 21, 2013

Mary T.

Olive oil and or olive oil before you wash!! It's not an old wives tale it works. There are a lot if hair care products with these oils in them

Oct 21, 2013

Some girl L.

Try mixing half an avacodo ,and egg. A teaspoon of coconut oil , and some aloe Vera gel and leave it on your hair for a few hours then rinse it really helps dry hair

Oct 21, 2013

Mary T.

Lol coconut oil!

Oct 21, 2013

Isabel M.

If your hair is really damaged cut off the dead parts. Try do do as much as possible so you can start fresh. There is no solution for dead or extremely damaged hair , because you can't go back. Try a lot of deep conditions maybe three times a week! Olive oil, coconut oil, and many other only seal in moisture, so use a deep conditioner that is leave in, and if you want to leave the oil, seal with it. It try a shower cap, and spend thirty minutes with it and the oils and then rinse!

Oct 21, 2013

Mary T.

Ya the aloe rubbed into the hair and rinsed after conditioner too.

Oct 21, 2013

Mary T.

Unless you have super dry hair I wouldn't put it in hair and just rinse unless you use a very small amount on the ends only or wanna look like a grease ball.

Oct 21, 2013

Ann G.

Thanks! Will start oiling up and visiting hairdressers more often!

Oct 22, 2013

Harvinder K.

Oil is great you just need to get the hang of it... Theirs actually a product called Wen..or something like that''s very natural and pretty sure it's with the price...

Oct 22, 2013

Ashley Z.

Coconut oil works wonders and not just for the hair :)

Oct 22, 2013

Lisa A.

Shea moistures