Would you ever...?


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Oct 18, 2013

Jennifer S.

Would you ever wear high heels to school just because? Tomorrow at school we have spirit day and my school colors are red and black. I always look cute so I don't want to break that pattern just because of a spirit day, so I wanted to wear these with a red v-neck tucked into a black skater skirt and a black scarf. However, I've only worn heels to school twice as dress up, and most people in my school don't wear heels. I asked my brother and he thinks they make me look like a whore. What are your thoughts?

I think I'm too chicken to wear it because I'm considered a nerd and this is a little daring, but how would you react if a girl at your school wore this?

Oct 18, 2013

Jennifer S.

Shoes up close, I'm just in love with them!

Oct 18, 2013

Isabel M.

Love them! And yes but my school has a TON of stairs! I have these awesome black wedges but I'm a little intomidated!

Oct 18, 2013

Isabel M.

Intimidated** haha!

Oct 18, 2013

Erin M.

I was president of anime club, I don't think you get nerdier then that, and everyone knew it. But I still dressed in cute clothes and high heels all the time just cause. It's what I was comfortable in. Just because you're a nerd it doesn't mean you have a strict dress code of baggy unflattering clothes to follow. Wear what you want and what ever makes you comfortable.

Oct 18, 2013

Angie M.

Those are cute. I think you should wear them! It's a good thing to be unique in school. You only get one chance in high school so stand out! Maybe you will start a new trend at your school :)

Oct 18, 2013

Stephanie S.

I had girl wear heels at my school all the time, but it was mainly the days they had a game like the basketball ball girls the really girly girls would wear heels.

Oct 18, 2013

Courtney M.

Those are cute!! I've never worn heels like that to school but I've worn wedges and ankle boots. :)

Oct 18, 2013

Lauren S.

Very very cute shoes but I wouldn't wear them to school. its a cute outfit but it looks like something someone could wear as an office job, too sophisticated for school.

Oct 18, 2013

Betsy N.

Super cute love it. Well I wore high heels all the time pumps, wedges, heeled boots, well almost every type of high heel, all I got was complements that and a ton of girls wearing heels the next day. If you love it and know that you will be able to walk in them all day then do it!! And you won't look like a whore, you look super cute. Don't let what others think stop you from being who you are.

Oct 18, 2013

Jennifer S.

Thank you everyone so much! I have decided to wear it, it shouldn't matter what my peers think as long as I like them :) and I'm not worrying about it looking too sophisticated, I live with a business man as a dad and a business woman as a mom so I naturally dress a little older looking :) thanks again!

Oct 18, 2013

Symone B.

Yes. I've done it plenty of times. I went to Hollywood High and it seemed like 6 inch heels were mandatory lol

Oct 18, 2013

Brittany C.

Wear them! It'll give make people look up to you (literally) ;) they are cute!

Oct 18, 2013

Jennifer S.

That's really funny! 😂

Oct 18, 2013

Jennifer S.

Haha true true, except that I'm really short to begin with😜

Oct 18, 2013

Karen L.

Yes :) & OMG Symone! I went to Hollywood high school my freshman year!! Then I moved out of Los Angeles lol :)

Oct 18, 2013

Holly N.

I personally wouldn't you will likely be walking up and down the stairs and along hallways all day your feet are going to kill!

Oct 18, 2013

Banashi B.

I love it! If it's cold around your area try some sheer tights.

Oct 18, 2013

Hong P.

I wear heels to school so many times. Its cute.

Oct 18, 2013

Cassidy C.

Everyday I can I wear heels.

Oct 18, 2013

Aishwarya P.

Your looking soo cute. Those heels rock! and it's ok if you get attention , enjoy it :)

Oct 18, 2013

Stephanie S.

@ symone my brother went to Hollywood high too (: he's 24 now.

Oct 18, 2013

Anna B.

Yes! I do it too. The heels are so pretty!

Oct 18, 2013

Jennifer S.

Thanks ladies! I live in South Florida so sadly no cold for me, It's supposed to get up to 91 degrees today 😞

Oct 18, 2013

Gem L.

If your school allows that then sufe.