Hair help please open~.~~ ✨💆


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Oct 19, 2013

Amanda F.

I take care of my hair, I eat fruits, I wash it every two days and I put essential oils on it but my hair won't grow. No matter how much I take care of it, it won't move and it's like Before my chest and won't grow. I tried the inversion method but that won't work either. Any ideas or tips to help??!

Oct 19, 2013

Meredith R.

What type of hair do you have??

Oct 19, 2013

Marlies R.

Go to the hairdresser once in 3 months to keep it healthy, drink lots of water, maybe ask someone to give you a scalp massage to

Oct 19, 2013

Marlies R.

Simulate blood flow

Oct 19, 2013

Micaela G.

Get regular trims of the ends of your hair and message your sculp at night in circular motion (sounds weird but works) just use the tips of your fingers and I suggest you don't washit oftern maybe once or twice a week :) Alaska make sure you arnt using to much heat on it xx

Oct 19, 2013

Megan R.

Do you use heat like straighten it? That could be the problem

Oct 19, 2013

Amanda F.

No I don't use heat and I have thick hair! Really thick :/

Oct 19, 2013

Amanda F.

But thanks I'll try the scalp massaging thing!! :) x

Oct 19, 2013

Shannon B.

How long has this been happening?

Oct 19, 2013

Shannon B.

It has actually be scientifically proven that hair goes through stages. It will go through stages where it won't grow and then when that stage is done it will start growing again and it keeps going back and forth. Everyone's hair technically goes through this. (There maybe exceptions) and everyone has it in periods of time for each stage. If it's over a month that it won't grow it might not grow any farther. (Bottom explanation)

Also sometime people's hair will grow only to a certain length and just stop when it gets to the length every time. It just won't get longer and also each person it different when it comes to this.

Oct 19, 2013

Some girl L.

Ya Shannon B is right

Oct 19, 2013

Amanda F.

Shannon it's won't grow for a couple of months and it's been longer before so yeah? Maybe it's still in that's stage?

Oct 19, 2013

Gabby M.

Massage coconut oil in it as much as you can it makes it hrow like crazy!!

Oct 19, 2013

Gabby M.


Oct 19, 2013

Amanda F.

I really need to buy coconut oil lol thanks.