Argan Oil Question


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Oct 19, 2013

Nauti V.

If I put argan oil in my hair, can I use a heat tool without it burning my hair? sorry if this is a stupid question but a few months ago I put oil in my hair then curled it, worst mistake ever.

Oct 19, 2013

Stephanie S.

What did you curl it with? when I curl it with a straightener I find that it burns my hair more. but I straighten my hair everyday and put oil in my hair after I get out the shower so Idk..

Oct 19, 2013

Nauti V.

I had curled it with a straightener. and I forgot what type of oil I used but it wasn't argan oil.

Oct 19, 2013

Lily C.

Never put oil on and use a hot tool ever! (think of it as you cooking with oil and heat..not good)
Your suppose to use it AFTER so it repairs and nurishes your hair from the heat not the other way around...

Oct 19, 2013

Nauti V.

thanks lily!! :)

Oct 19, 2013

Clare A.

But I heard oil creates a barrier betwwen the hair.

Oct 19, 2013

Ty R.

Yeah use a low setting. Even better blow dry at night before bed then style in the morning.